Embedded Firebird now working

The embedded firebird driver can now create new .odb’s using firebird, and open and save existing files — when running the firebird db is stored in a temporary file, this is copied into the .odb file every time it is saved — and extracted as necessary on startup. The sdbc driver is still somewhat incomplete meaning that this isn’t particularly usable yet, however in principle LO can now use Firebird as it’s embedded Database. This means I can now work on the actual sdbc driver!

Odb with embedded firebird db

Firebird .ODB

Currently it is only usable on Linux: Windows compiles but crashes — I’ll be setting up a debug build to run over the weekend meaning I should hopefully be able to debug at the beginning of next week. Mac is currently not buildable — it looks like fixing this shouldn’t be too difficult though, I’ve managed to obtain a mac which I’ll be setting up soon in order to work on this.

The sdbc driver won’t be exclusive to embedded firebird — it should eventually be able to also support external firebird database files, and even connect to remote firebird servers — this should be only a very small amount of work, mostly to do with the gui needed to set up a connection.


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Posted in GSOC2013, LibreOffice